Supplementary Features and In App Purchases

Although the default installation of Maps n Trax is a full-featured application, there are a few supplementary features which can be purchased for additional functionality.  Each of these features require an additional purchase which be done from within the app, through the App Store as an “in app purchase”.  Most people will not use these additional features and this way, they do not have to pay more for them if they never want to use them.

Display Available or Installed In App Purchase Products

  • Tap ‘•••’ to display the main tab bar (if in the map view).
  • Tap ‘Settings’ to display the Settings view.
  • Tap ‘In App Purchase Products’ to display the In App Purchases view.

Maps n Trax will contact the App Store to gather information about products that can be purchased and it may take a few seconds for the reply to be received.  Once a list of products has been received from the App Store a list of available products (with prices) and installed products will be displayed.

Display Information About a Product

  • Display the available/installed products as explained above.
  • Tap one of the available or installed products to display the user guide page for that product.
Note that this will not work if the internet is not currently available.

Purchase and Install a Product

  • Display the available/installed products as explained above.
  • Tap ‘Buy’ button for one of the available products to initiate a purchase request.
  • Follow the App Store prompts to complete the purchase (requires a valid Apple ID).

Uninstall a Product

  • Display the available/installed products as explained above.
  • Tap the ‘Uninstall’ button for one of the installed products.
  • Tap ‘Uninstall’ in the alert view to confirm.

After uninstalling a product in can be re-installed at any time.  Re-installing a product is free of charge if using the same Apple ID that was used to install it previously.

Restore All Previously Purchased Products

  • Tap the ‘Restore Purchases’ button in the top navigation bar.

All previous Maps n Trax in-app purchases made using the same Apple ID will be restored to Maps n Trax on the current device.

Note that this feature can also be used to make a purchase on one device and then use the purchased product(s) on all devices that are registered with the same Apple ID.