Minecraft Lego!

Jul 10, 2013 | 15 Comments


If you haven’t heard already, there is a Lego Minecraft set. It’s a pretty cool set with Steve and a Creeper included.

The set has actually been sold out for most of the last year, but Jinx.com has them in stock! Just search for “lego minecraft”. The set is officially called “LEGO Minecraft Micro World”. A bit pricey ($34.95)… but I am still psyched to get my set!


Get Minecraft Lego from Jinx


  1. J5Alive says:

    I have this set and it is AWESOME. I hope Lego makes more sets. I want an Enderman!

    • Treepuncher316 says:

      Actually my birthday is coming up in about one week so if I don’t get one for my birthday I will probably by one with birthday money

  2. ABulletMagent says:

    That looks awesome

  3. _LION_ says:

    Lol my lil bro will go insane

  4. Treepuncher316 says:

    Luv Legos but I don’t have the money: (

  5. Jake says:

    Eh. The need to make custom lego bricks where they are cubes and they stick together and look the same as mc blocks

  6. EthanCris says:

    They TOTTALY need to make more!

  7. Brayden says:

    Dude that’s freaking AWESOME

  8. Hannah says:

    I want this with all of my heart.

  9. Bronygirl54 says:

    OMG I luv this and I saw a set on amazon but sold outDX

  10. Zer0 says:

    Awesome. I agree with Jake though. Release custom sets. Awesome anyways!

  11. DragonofEpics says:

    I love Legos who doesn’t? But I’m using my money minecraft PC aw yeah baby

  12. DragonofEpics says:

    We need ender dragon Legos who doesn’t like dragons

  13. Frogsquibit says:

    Wow that’s cool

  14. MEplaysMC says:

    They also have a village and the nether sets