DJ Table – PE Furniture

Jul 20, 2013 | 4 Comments


Materials Needed:

6 Nether Reactor Cores
8 Trapdoors
2 Torches
2 Paintings

A pretty simple design to make a cool DJ Table. The paintings are used in the front and the trap doors are on the two sides that come up. Torches are also placed on the ends. Use the picture below for a front view.


Design By Jase503


  1. Zer0 says:

    This is actually a pretty good table. It’s a lot better than the others I’ve seen. Good job.

  2. DragonofEpics says:

    Nice man. Not very useful but nice. It rocks!

  3. The Mi says:

    Wow how did u do that

  4. Phonix feathers says:

    Yo so cool it so rocks!