A-Wing – MC Star Wars Design Idea
Here is a cool design on how to make an A-Wing in Minecraft.
Start a few blocks above the ground and make a 5 Block row of Quartz Blocks.
Place 3 Quartz Slabs on both sides of the row, whichever end you choose will be the front end.
On the front end you will place 6 more Slabs.
Add 3 more Slabs on each side, these Slabs should be connected to the first set of Slabs.
In the rear you will make a “T” shape.
On the sides place an upside down set of Quartz Stairs and then a Slab.
On the Block behind the Stairs place another Slab underneath.
At the front place a Red Wool on the center front block, extend this out by 3 blocks.
On each side of the Red Wool blocks place another set of 3 blocks extending further inward.
To the side of the Wool blocks place a Quartz Stair facing toward the front.
Place a Quartz Block behind the stairs and 3 Slabs in front of it.
Place a Slab above the opening of the Red Wool blocks and then 2 more Red Wool blocks behind the Quartz blocks.
On the sides of the Slab set up 2 Quartz blocks on each side with a Set of Stairs 1 block in front of the Slab. This is you cockpit.
Place more Quartz Blocks on the side of the stairs and then make an “L” shape behind the stairs.
Place 3 Quartz Blocks between the Red Wool.
At the back place 2 Redstone Blocks with a Slab on the top and bottom.
On top of the upper Slab place a Black Wool block with a Slab on each side.
Behind the Slabs we just placed you will stack up 2 Quartz Blocks with a single block in front. Then place Stairs on top of the single block facing outward.
Between the blocks place some more Red Wool then 3 Glass Blocks to finish the cockpit.
On each side of the ship place a Fence post on the outer Quartz block. Connect 2 Fence Gates on the Fence Post, these are your blasters. Fence Gates and Steel Bars are best used to represent blasters in small builds such as these.
The final result is as shown.
That is SUPER COOL!!!! I am a huge fan of Star Wars and minecraft!!!